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Sorry for what I said, but it's boring, I didn't feel fear and there are a lot of ads that spoil the atmosphere of the game.

even when i literally shoot him, he still kills me. :(  



please make lamp head escape the desert pc version

looks awesome

please make lamp head escape the desert pc version

Pls 32 Bit

(6 edits)
Hello Escapism Studios, I just found your game on YouTube, then I searched for it on Google and after I found it, I immediately played your game, namely Siren Head Remastered Black Forest Horror Games, a horror game with very real graphics and smooth controls, I'm interested in downloading it, and i download it for Android version. Good work👍

Ikon Diverifikasi Komunitas

like wtf device does this game needs to run perfectly? computer for 2k dollars???

finished the game finally lol. Game is really good!!

Hello there. I found your game and well, I have been playing a lot of Siren Head games for my channel so far. But this one is actually pretty good. I have seen at least Siren Head. Not like In some other games. I made a video and even gave me own little statement at the end of it. So if people are interested. You can find my video below.


can you please make 32 bit I really want this game


nice game ! siren head is very realist 


is this based on isolation interactives siren head game ?

Siren Head corre muy rápido. Me divertí mucho pero me hubiera gustado más puzzles. 

That was cool. :) 5/5

nice gaame :D 

This game was fire man. Absolutely loved it...even though I got bodied lol

I can't beat him his hacks are to strong!!! played it again might need to fix when he spons can't kill him when he teleports right next to me

siren head teleported right in front of me!!! he is definitely stronger than his cousins i have faced

My funniest playthrough of Siren Head ever. 

full game gameplay (part 1):

Really good looking and enjoyable! 

Made me shit myself a few times (which is good)

My only negative would be that Siren Head can spawn on top of you sometimes.

Either way, great horror game :)

it no work


is it fun and very spook?

Should this be Multiplayer?

HELP ME this game is creepy i love it please check me out and like and subscribe 

Does this work with mac

Maybe I'm just dumb but I could not for the life of me figure out what to do! Regardless I had fun playing it. The chase definitely gave me a sense of panic. (spoiler) The car being thrown was an awesome touch by the way, I loved that. Thank you very much for making the game! 


That was rough but I choose to say that I did it, ahaha. Here's a lil video:  


Is it just me, or is siren head

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wow that was really cool

(1 edit)

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wat the

Enjoyed it and Its a good game! Love the atmosphere, this was well done.

it wont let me download it

siren head really hate cars and he wants a spin slap punch

Last game I played. He really hates cars


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Есть группа вк?

Nice game
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